
Through a clear and consistent illustration style we can unify the visual expression of our illustrations at Scania. 

Illustrations and infographics should only be used when real photos cannot be used. Using photos are generally preferred, since real photos strengthens the impression of authenticity, being genuine and that we do things for real (read more on the page Imagery).

However, in some cases real photos are not possible to use, e.g. when we want to visualise a certain environment, such as future city transport solutions, transport flows, information flows and similar. In these cases illustrations and infographics may be used to support communication in addition to copy and images. 

Product illustrations

Illustrations can be used to show product details, specific parts or dimensions, and when a photo is not available or suitable for any other reason. For trucks, buses and engines four levels of detail for illustrations have been developed to guide the use of illustrations. No other kind of illustrations should be produced.

Select the level of detail appropriate for you application of illustration. Ensure coherent use and do not mix different levels of details in the same image or in context of communication.

Please note that illustrations should never be used as the main image to promote or market any of our products or solutions, but only as a complement, e.g. for technical specifications.



1. Outlines + gradients
The most expressive way to illustrate products. It simulates the actual appearance of the product and is used in applications where a photo is not available or suitable for any other reason.

2. Outlines + colour fillings 
Between level 1 and 3, used when the application does not require photo-like illustrations or a technical drawing.

3. Outlines only
Similar to a technical drawing. Used to highlight product specifications and certain parts and features of the product.

4. Simplified
When illustrations need to be reproduced in a small scale, simplify by removing as many details as possible. Make sure the most characteristic features still remain. This level is close to pictograms.

Environmental illustrations

The monochrome use of colour and a simplified clean illustration style result in a professional stylistically pure expression.

If you must use colours to highlight details or parts of your illustration always use any of Scania’s brand colours, primarily the primary and supporting colours (see more information on the page for Colours).

Background colours

On light backgrounds, Scania Blue, Black or Dark grey are preferred colours to use for the illustrations.

On dark backgrounds, Scania White is the preferred colour to use for the illustrations to achieve maximum contrast.


Combining product and environmental

Combining product and environment illustrations can be a powerful tool to support communication. Good examples include using illustrations to outline features of transport systems and logistic flows, to present product and service features and to clarify size and scale relationships. Either make the illustration one-coloured and outlined or utilise the Scania colour palette to enhance details and sense of depth.


Read more about how to combine images, texts, icons and other graphics into informative and coherent infographics on the page for Infographics. The Infographics page also includes guidelines and downloadable assets for visualising connected and autonomous vehicles, products features and other information.


Use gradients with unnatural colour combinations.
Use too thick stroke lines.
Add effects to the illustrations.
Combine illustrations with photographs, where they appear as part of the setting.
Skew, strech or alter the illutrations proportions.
Add drop shadows to the illustrations.