Special edition vehicles

This page includes rules for decoration (e.g. striping) and naming of special edition vehicles, such as limited editions, show trucks, eye-catcher vehicles, press test vehicles, demo vehicles and exhibition vehicles. It also includes information about the process for approval of these.


For customers and drivers the design and the look of our vehicles is an important part of the brand experience. Our vehicles have been designed and developed with great care. The best way to safeguard the unique design and product characteristic is to keep the vehicles in their original executions. This is especially important in the beginning of the product life cycle, when a new design has been introduced. Centrally provided accessories are available via Scania Vehicle Accessories and can be used to fulfil the need of e.g. extra equipment and styling.

Sometimes there might however be a need for a special edition vehicle. It could for example be as part of a campaign, an eye-catcher for an exhibition or road show, or a limited edition used to create awareness and boost sales. It could also be a press test vehicle, which is exposed in press and media, and where cab and trailer can be used for additional and effectful communication. In these cases it is important that any additional decoration, such as striping, is made with great care. This is valid for vehicles that are to be promoted by any part of the global Scania organisation.

Decoration and striping

On trucks, the lower corner facing forward of the door side is defined as the campaign area. This area is the first hand choice to use when there is a need for additional communication on the truck. It may be used for campaign badges, such as local initiatives, jubilees and other short term communication. 

Example of how the campaign area may be used

When additional decoration is needed, also other areas of the vehicle can be used. The front and sides of the truck cab is mainly used for decoration (e.g. striping), whereas buses and trailers are more suitable for both decoration and communication messages. When decorating a trailer it should preferably be seen as a natural extension of the cab decoration. 

Examples of how the decoration on the cab continues also on the trailer

The decoration (e.g. shapes, lines and patterns) should align with or even reinforce the vehicle design, the special edition theme and the Scania brand.

No vehicle decoration should contain any part of the Scania logotype (including the Scania symbol with the griffin and the Scania wordmark) or griffin – or any modification or version of these. Exceptions are originally mounted badges and marking, as well as styling accessories available in the Scania Vehicle Accessories assortment. On trailers, the Scania logotype may be used in its original execution to indicate the sender/source of communication.

Any decoration that can be judged as unethical, e.g. sexist (e.g. nudity) or violent motives, is strictly forbidden. Neither may the decoration refer to or copy any competitor or its products.


Special edition vehicles may be used to communicate product advantages and features, a campaign theme or similar. An example is to highlight fuel and/or sustainability aspects (e.g. renewable fuels and electrification). All communication must conform to the Scania tone of voice, i.e. be real and relevant, accessible and inviting and feel confident and secure. 

Example of communication on exhibition vehicle
Example of how Scania Transport Lab uses the trailer for communication

Naming principles

At Scania, the basic principle is to use descriptive names. They are normally easy to communicate, it’s easy to understand what Scania offers, and do not need legal protection. This is also the basic idea when it comes to names for special editions, although names for limited editions or names that are not to be communicated externally may be stretched a bit. Humorous, provoking or misleading names must however be avoided. If needed, “edition” may be added to the name, to clarify that it is a special or limited edition vehicle (and not the standard assortment). 

Customer vehicles

Customers can of course decorate and use striping on their own vehicles according to their preferences and taste, without any approval from Scania. This is often an expression of loyalty and that the customer is a Scania fan. However, if a customer vehicle is planned to be shown at a Scania exhibition or similar, it must comply with the rules as described in this document.

Process for approval

All naming and decoration of special edition vehicles, that are to be promoted by any part of the global Scania organisation (centrally or locally), must be approved by the Brand Communication Meeting, BCM.

Requests with suggestion for naming and drafts of the decoration must be submitted well in advance (at least one month before a final decision is needed) to Scania Identity Helpdesk at identity@scania.com. 

Examples and inspiration