Business Innovation

The transport industry must change. It’s a change we want to lead.

Scania’s continuous transformative work within circularity, electrification and autonomy is already driving the shift to a sustainable transport system. But to go even further, faster, we want to think even bigger. Act even bolder. Be even more innovative.


We identified a need to enhance our communication efforts regarding business innovation beyond our core business.

This encompasses all the significant initiatives within Ventures and New Business and Innovation Office, including their respective sub-functions.

Our goal is to communicate with clarity, consistency, engagement, and relevance to our target audiences, thereby consequently over time strengthening Scania’s desired associations as an innovative and progressive organisation and brand.

To achieve this objective, we've developed a set of strategic tools, including a core narrative, sub-narratives, and a messaging platform for various target groups. The narratives have also been articulated in a visual expression.

Importantly, we've adhered to Scania’s monolithic brand strategy, maintaining the existing tone of voice, visual identity, and toolbox.

Moreover, we've translated the core and sub-narratives, along with the visual expression, into a set of communication examples for key touchpoints. These examples offer guidance and inspiration for future implementations.

For specific purposes only

The purpose of developing these strategic tools, both the narratives and the visual expression, is to enhance our communication efforts regarding business innovation beyond our core business – while building the Scania brand.

For whom should we use these tools?

Internal and external stakeholders to whom we want to communicate our work with business innovation.

For example:

  • High-growth start-ups and scale-ups, entrepreneurs, investors, universities, research institutes, and other partners to join us in this transformation.
  • Potential employees that bring a new type of skill set than we traditionally have been looking for.
  • Current employees to create a culture of everyday entrepreneurship.

These tools should only be used by the departments Ventures and New Business and Innovation Office. It can be used for both internal and external channels. 

If you don’t work within one of these departments but would like to use the strategic tools, please reach out to with your request.

Overview of narratives

We have developed one core narrative for how we want to tell the story of how we work with business innovation at Scania.

The core narrative goes under the headline “For all our futures. By all of Scania”. Built on the idea that everyone at Scania including our partners, is part of creating a better future for us all. There is no 'us' versus 'them'. We must work together to drive change.

We identified a need to create a specific story for some of our target groups. Hence, we have developed four sub-narratives built on the core narrative but with their own angle. We have also developed messaging platforms connected to each sub-narrative to highlight our key messages for each target group.

All narratives should be seen as source texts. They can be used as they are or be tweaked to fit a specific situation or channel.

You can find and download the narratives and messaging platforms on our brand portal.

Core narrative
All employees
Potential intrapreneurs
Potential employees

Concept and visual expression

The visual expression for Scania Business Innovation enables us to show the width and depth of Scania’s work with business model innovation. Showing that Scania has more layers to it than one might think.

With inspiration taken from Scania’s motion guidelines and Scania’s angle, we have created a visual framework to showcase our work with business model innovation whilst at the same time clearly signalling that this is a key part of Scania.

Building blocks

Our visual framework is created with three different types of building blocks.

By combining these three building blocks we can create visual assets – collages – with different content and tonality but still being consistent.

Shift element

Our first building block is the shift element. The shift element for Scania Business Innovation comes in two different versions. A metal version and a translucent version.

This allows for a wide range of applications and target groups while keeping a consistent visual language for Scania Business Innovation. 


The metal shift element relates back to the materiality of the trucks and allows for a bold and more forceful expression.

The colours of the shift element are grounded in the Scania palette, heavily leaning towards the blue universe of Scania.


The translucent shift element has a light and adaptable character for a subtle and contemporary expression.

This makes the translucent shift element suitable for areas and topics outside of today’s core business and the physical truck.


Our second building block is photography. This is the most important part when creating visual assets.

The imagery we use for Scania Business Innovation can be divided into four different categories. A large focus is put on people and the human aspects of our business and operations.  

Use the search term businessinnovation to find images about business innovation in Scania Media Provider.

People – individuals

When depicting individuals we try to capture people in their natural environment and avoid overly staged portraits.

By focusing on individuals we can communicate around the intrapreneur aspects of business innovation and the opportunities within Scania.

People – teams

We capture our different teams collaborating, solving challenges, and sharing insights. It is of great importance that the situation does not feel overly staged or unnatural.

We want to capture the teams in different environments to communicate the wide range of professional areas and workplaces within business innovation.

Technology and products

This category is about the non-human sides of business innovation with a focus on new technologies. We depict both physical objects as well as digital applications.

By showing the development of prototypes or other non-traditional truck-related products we can give a glimpse of the innovative force within business innovation.


The environments we depict can stretch from production settings to events related to business innovation.

To also be able to depict a changing transportation system and the bigger trends (sustainability, urbanisation, digitalisation, automation, etc.) we introduce a new way to shoot images of trucks and buses.

With a long shutter speed, the vehicles get reduced to motion tracks. By doing so, we avoid putting focus on a specific product and instead, we can communicate the future of transportation.

These images should preferably be shot in an urban environment. 


In addition to the shift element and photography, we have graphics as our third building block.

The graphics are used to depict and communicate specific technologies and other abstract or non-tangible things. They should always be rooted in real and relevant cases. 

To keep the graphics visually consistent, we always use a colour scheme based on Scania’s digital colour palette.

If suitable, the graphics can be done in dark/light versions and to visually be fit for a wider range of applications. But please note; some graphics are not suitable for both a dark/light version. Solar panels, for example, lose their characteristic look if done in a light version.

Inspiration and sources

Our graphics should always be rooted in real and relevant cases. Depending on the theme and source, different techniques can be used to create the graphics. 


Software code

Autonomous visualisation

Solar panels

Code for autonomous driving software
To keep the graphics visually consistent, we always use a colour scheme based on Scania’s digital colour palette.

If suitable, the graphics can be done in dark/light versions to visually be fit for a wider range of applications.

Visualisation from autonomous driving software
To keep the graphics visually consistent, we always use a colour scheme based on Scania’s digital colour palette. 

Solar panels from experimental truck
To keep the graphics visually consistent, we always use a colour scheme based on Scania’s digital colour palette.

Please note; some graphics are not suitable for both a dark/light version. Solar panels, for example, lose their characteristic look if done in a light version.

Creating and using the visual assets

Combining the building blocks

By combining the building blocks we can start creating communication and visual assets with different tonality, ranging from bold to subtle.

Building block grid system

By using a grid system for the placement of the building blocks we can achieve a more consistent visual expression. The grids for the building blocks are calculated on the entire artboard to be adaptable to different formats and sizes. Additional margins and grids for text overlays need to be added on top of the building block grid.

An Adobe Illustrator template is available with predefined grids with
5 – 9 columns.

Do’s and Don’ts

69° Angle
Make sure that the angle of the building block does not get distorted. The angle of all building blocks should always be 69°.

The building blocks should be arranged horizontally. Do not stack the building blocks vertically. 

Use only one type of Shift element
Do not mix the metal element and the translucent element in the same composition.

Colour and fill of the Shift element
Do not recolour the metal shift element.
Do not add any colour to the translucent shift element.

Communication examples

Below, you will find a couple of communication examples where the shift element assets have been combined with messaging.

LinkedIn posts
Exhibition billboard
Event presentation


By using images from our own media library in Scania Media Provider, we ensure that they are shot specifically for Scania, are relevant for our business and operations (authenticity), have the right look and feel - and - that we have the right to use them. Use the search term businessinnovation to find images and other assets specially made to communicate business innovation.


Business innovation at Scania


This page in presentation format


Narratives and messaging platform

create template.jpg

Instruction and Illustrator artwork

For help regarding images, films and other material in Scania Media Provider, contact Imagedesk for support.

Business innovation

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