Brand platform

The brand platform is the foundation of our brand. It describes what we stand for, what value we want to be associated with and how we want to be perceived. The brand platform gives us direction and focus in what to say and what to deliver on, every day and across the organisation.

Using the platform as a starting point for all communication, design and other initiatives, ensures that the experience of our brand, regardless of where, when or how people encounter it, is consistent, creating a strong brand perception. 

The brand platform consists of three elements:

Brand promise

Captures the essence of what our stakeholders can expect from us, what we stand for and will always deliver on.

Brand position

Defines where we place our brand and offering in relation to competitors and our audiences. It represents the quality, trust and customer value that enables us to claim a higher price.

Brand values

Reflect how we deliver on our brand promise and on the premium position to credibly create the experience we want all our stakeholders to have of Scania. They are tools to guide the experience of our products and services as well as communication, tonality ​and design.


The brand platform describes how we want to be perceived by our stakeholders.

  • Brand promise: Sustainable partnerships
  • Brand position: Premium
  • Brand values: Pride, Trust, Progress

Our promise: Sustainable partnerships

We want to build partnerships that are sustainable, not only from a sustainability and people perspective, but also long lasting. With mutual respect, contribution and profitability – our partnerships are beneficial for everyone involved. It's an extension of our business model. In the end, we are only successful when our customers and other partners are successful.

We need to enter the right partnerships, where we have a common target, shared values and ambitions and where every partner plays an important role in the development of the transport system. In this, Scania must be seen as an attractive partner adding value for the future, both for our existing partners, and those we need to team up with to achieve our purpose. 

Premium is our position

Our quality, our performance, the trust we earn and the value we deliver is how we maintain our powerful premium brand position. This doesn’t just set us apart from our competitors. It sets our own bar for everything we do, ensuring our standards are noticeably higher than the rest.

This premium position plays a critical role in our profitability, our relationships with customers and their willingness to pay. It attracts the calibre of employees we want. And it creates a genuine sense of pride. Both within us, as Scania, and among all our stakeholders.

As our industry evolves, we need to preserve and protect our premium position. Premium cannot only apply to our traditional products. Everything across our entire ecosystem, including all our partner collaborations, needs to be premium. Each individual component must live up to our high standards, working seamlessly as one.

Premium demands performance
How do we stay premium? How do we ensure that constant cohesive experience? It all comes down to quality, performance and value. Any product, solution or service we deliver must at a minimum:

  • Fulfil the stakeholders’ needs and expectations
  • Provide a seamless interaction with other relevant products, services and solutions
  • Ensure customer and user productivity
  • Deliver a cohesive Scania experience

Brand values

Taking pride in everything we do and never settling for "good enough" is an important part of who we are, and always have been.

It enables us to deliver premium offerings – that both we and our customers, are proud to be associated with.

Our meticulous quality and attention to detail in everything we do generates trust. Customers and partners know they can always rely on Scania. When times are changing and the future is uncertain, you know that Scania is a partner that will be there for you, also tomorrow. 

Constantly improving and developing in pace with time is also true for Scania and an important part of the experience we want to convey to others. We want to be seen as a company that takes an important role in the shift, and that supports our customers through the transition.

Please note that all elements in the brand platform are internal tools and are not to be used as taglines or slogans, or to be communicated directly and explicitly. Rather they act as the overall common umbrella for all our stakeholders, providing guidance to inform and inspire communication that is to be adapted to the specific target group in question.

Brand promise

Our brand promise is sustainable partnerships.

Partnerships will be crucial in reaching our purpose and creating the future sustainable transport system we are aiming for. Our existing partners, such as customers and employees are important for our current business, but to be able to evolve and create an efficient and sustainable transport system we also need to target new customers, attract new talent and team up with new business partners, decision makers and other important players in the transport industry and society. 

To continue being successful, we need to enter the right partnerships, where we have a common target, shared values and ambitions and where every partner plays an important role in the development of the transport system. In this, Scania must be seen as an attractive partner adding value for the future, both for our existing partners, and those we need to team up with to achieve our purpose. That is why partnerships are a central part in the Scania brand platform.

Our approach is to create partnerships that are sustainable. Not only from an environmental and people perspective. It’s also about the longevity. With mutual respect, contribution and profitability – our partnerships are beneficial for everyone involved. This way sustainable partnerships and our approach to value creation is an extension of our business model, which recognises that Scania’s success depends on delivering sustained value for our customers. This is applicable for all our partnerships. In the end, we are only successful when our customers and other partners are successful.

With our heritage, Scania has the experience, know-how and capability to provide the long-lasting and profitable solutions that are needed and that work for real. We are reliable and supportive, and our stakeholders know we’ll always go the extra mile to help them, to be there when things are changing and to guide them through the shift and beyond. 

Sustainable partnerships is not a slogan or something we communicate explicitly. It is our constant focus, and we always need to work hard to live up to it in all parts of our business. Sustainable partnerships is what we promise our stakeholders to always deliver on.

Brand position

Brand values

Premium is our position

Our quality, our performance, the trust we earn and the value we deliver is how we maintain our powerful premium brand position. This doesn’t just set us apart from our competitors. It sets our own bar for everything we do, ensuring our standards are noticeably higher than the rest.

Premium is our power

This premium position plays a critical role in our profitability, our relationships with customers and their willingness to pay. It attracts the calibre of employees we want. And it creates a genuine sense of pride. Both within us, as Scania, and among all our stakeholders.

Premium must be preserved

As our industry evolves, we need to preserve and protect our premium position. Premium cannot only apply to our traditional products. Everything across our entire ecosystem, including all our partner collaborations, needs to be premium. Each individual component must live up to our high standards, working seamlessly as one.

Premium experience for all

New technologies and players are entering the transport world all the time. Today we are not just compared with our traditional competitors. We are up against those beyond our industry, such as tech and software companies.

What’s more, the expectation of what premium means differs across applications and markets. This is why the shift from 'one-size-fits all' to a cohesive, constant premium, omnichannel experience is vital. One that is built around each customer’s local needs, scale and maturity. Where every customer feels seen, understood and expertly served.

Premium demands performance

How do we stay premium? How do we ensure that constant cohesive experience? It all comes down to quality, performance and value. Any product, solution or service we deliver must at a minimum: 

  • Fulfil the stakeholders’ needs and expectations
  • Provide a seamless interaction with other relevant products, services and solutions
  • Ensure customer and user productivity
  • Deliver a cohesive Scania experience

Questions we ask ourselves

Our customers expect us to perform. We take pride in doing just that. It’s why we constantly remind and ask ourselves:

Premium is subjective

  • Who are our stakeholders?
  • What are their expectations? Where would it make a difference to exceed them?
  • What problem do we help them solve? What value do we create for them?

Premium is relative

  • What are we compared to?
  • What is currently best in class?
  • What does the world demand from us?

Premium is the sum of all parts

  • Where are we in the customer journey?
  • What does the rest of their context look like and how will our offering fit into that?
  • What would constitute a premium experience for them and what is considered high quality and performance in this context?

New technologies and challenges create an uncertainty about how and when to switch to BEV: Will it work? Can I perform my transport assignments? What about loading capacity and range? How about charging? etc.

This makes trust more important than ever. Through professional guidance in the electrification transition, complete solutions, and clear information and tools to keep control, we can create peace of mind and a trust in Scania.

Using the customer journey for e-mobility as foundation we have identified what's important in each step. 

The e-mobility customer journey


Transportation and Driver management:

Repair & Maintenance:

Be the trusted advisor

With our knowledge, experience, engagement and capability we guide our customers through the electrification transition. We offer and give advice on a complete solution, adapted to truly fit the customer needs and minimise the risks – creating peace of mind.

Maximise productivity

Besides a premium truck with high quality and performance, we provide solutions, support and tools that give the customer control and a peace of mind. We align our solutions to create a seamless premium experience onboard and offboard (in all touchpoints) – maximising the customers productivity.

Optimised life cycle economy

We ensure uptime and productivity, and guide in how to optimise battery life and secure a high residual value

Hence, to ensure premium experiences throughout the e-mobility customer journey, all relevant parts needs to be addressed. For example:

  • Communication/messaging: Scania is the trusted advisor with complete solutions that will guide you to the right solution for you (adapted for your operations, maximising your productivity)
  • Sales force: education and knowledge about solutions and customers, engagement and understanding of customers needs and situation, guiding to the best solution for each customer
  • Product development: collaboration between departments (mainly R&D and S&M) to ensure development and delivery of cohesive high quality solutions for a unified and seamless premium experience in all touchpoints (digital tools, vehicle, charging etc)
  • Collaboration with external partners (charging, infrastructure etc)
  • Prepare sales and service network (education, tools etc)
  • etc…

How customers and users interact with us, and who they compare us with, has changed and continues to change. As our context expands, we are measured against other types of comparators. We need to deliver the same premium quality in our software and services, as we have always done in our physical products.

To create premium digital experiences, we are guided by:

  • Digital Experience Principles:
    Our core principles and the mindset we adopt to build digital experiences
  • Digital Design Pillars:
    Defining the expression and visual experience we aim to build
  • Tegel Design System:
    Foundations and building blocks which help create coherent experiences in an efficient way
  • Holistic Brand Experience:
    Assets such as imagery, colours, and messaging to build recognition, and stay consistent with the Scania brand

Read more about how to create premium experiences in digital contexts in the Digital experience strategy

Guided by our brand values

Our compass for creating the right and premium Scania experience is our three brand values – Pride, Trust, and Progress.


Taking pride in everything we do and never settling for "good enough" is an important part of who we are, and always have been. Both as individuals and as a culture. This is what enables us to deliver premium offerings – that both we and our customers are proud to be associated with.

The feeling of pride contributes to satisfaction and loyalty among our stakeholders. Being part of the Scania universe is desirable and offers a sense of meaning and belonging. At Scania we are driven by a clear purpose and strong culture. We share a passion for quality and work with continuous improvements to achieve the very best and an elevated experience. We are truly authentic, meaning that the things we do are for real and work at scale, deliver value and truly meet our customers’ needs. Externally, pride is the feeling we want customers and other partners to experience when they interact with Scania, use our products or engage in a mutually valuable partnership.


Our meticulous quality and attention to detail in everything we do generates trust. Customers and partners know they can always rely on Scania. That’s also why we have unusually strong relationships with our customers, and why trust must continue to characterise our brand. And our customers’ experience of Scania.

When times are changing and the future is uncertain, you want a partner that you can rely on, and a partner that you know will be there for you, also tomorrow. Trust builds on professionalism and reliability. We have been here since 1891. Our legacy and the fact that we are a global, solid company means not only that we have the ability, but also that we have the necessary experience and know-how that it will take to always deliver with quality and to guide our partners into the future. Combined with our commitment and engagement it gives our stakeholders peace of mind.


Constantly improving and developing in pace with time is also true for Scania – and an important part of the experience we want to convey to others. We want to be seen as a company that takes an important role in the shift, and that supports our customers through the transition.

We want all our stakeholders to feel assured that Scania is a viable partner to stay with long-term. We also need to be able to be attractive for new partners that share our ambitions. That’s why the feeling of progress is important, so that Scania can be seen as a trusted partner also for the future. At Scania we have a proven track record of continuous improvements, and we have a strong determination to keep advancing and to create a better world of transport. We combine our insights with innovative thinking to deliver ingenious solutions. We are visionary, yet pragmatic, and move forward with intent and purpose. Our ability to adapt in times of change proves that we will stay relevant also in the future.

Our stakeholders

Our brand promise represents the reason for our stakeholders to partner with Scania. Sustainable partnerships should be seen as the value we provide for all our stakeholders. We must focus on delivering and communicating relevant value for each stakeholder in each instance.

Below is an overview of the stakeholder model with the four main groups, including examples of target groups.

Using the brand platform

The brand platform is an internal tool that provides guidance to all activities, functions and employees within Scania that create some kind of brand experience. Using the platform as a starting point for all ensures that the experience of our brand, regardless of where, when or how people encounter it, is strong and consistent.

Read more about how the brand platform is translated via our design strategy to our visual identity and product design: 

Read more about how the brand platform is translated into meaning and relevance for existing and potential employees via the employer branding strategy: 

Leveraging the brand values

By balancing the brand values somewhat differently depending on stakeholder and target group, we can address each stakeholder with the value that is most relevant to them. The result is that we create a premium experience and build the perception of Scania as a sustainable partner across all our stakeholder groups.

Supporting the shift

Scania's purpose is To drive the shift towards a sustainable transport system. It sets the direction for Scania and motivates why we do the things that we do.

The Scania brand strategy supports our purpose by bridging the gap between where the organisation currently is, where we want to go and how we are perceived.

Simply put the shift means that we are moving from traditional vehicles and transport to a wider system perspective.

This sustainable transport system can however not be developed by one single player alone. Vehicle manufacturers, transport companies, buyers of transport services and infrastructure partners all need to work together to be able to achieve a sustainable transport system that actually works. Being part of a bigger system (with vehicles only being one part of the transport solutions) means that there will be a change in the role for all vehicle manufacturers – including Scania.

The shift will however not happen overnight. It will take time and can be seen as a journey, from the present vehicles and services we provide today to the future sustainable transport system. Depending on situation, role and market, different stakeholders are in different places on this journey, meaning they all have different interests, needs and challenges – all of which our brand needs to cater for.

Not only do we need to stay relevant and attractive to our existing customers, employees and other partners, to be profitable here and now. We also need to be able to address “tomorrow’s” customers and employees, decision makers and new business partners – to be able to enable and develop the future of transport. At the same time, we need to make sure that we tell a consistent story about Scania along the journey, so that we are perceived as one brand.

As a tool for this we will use the Scania brand platform. While using the elements in the platform to create value propositions and messaging that is targeted to different situations and stakeholders, it will also ensure that everything we do supports our ambitions and contributes to our strong brand.

Purposeful brand management, founded on the brand platform, will hence support us in both protecting the strong history of our brand and ensuring that it evolves and grows even stronger in the future.

The brand platform is an internal tool that gives us direction and focus in what to say and what to deliver on, every day and across the organisation. Using the platform as a starting point for all initiatives and communication, ensures that the experience of our brand, regardless of where, when or how people encounter it is consistent, creating a strong brand perception.

Brand platform

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